Thursday, April 3, 2008

Catch up slideshow

Here's a collection of pictures from Christmas time until now to catch would take me forever to post! :)

PA trip 2/08

Had to take a picture with the Baltimore Fire Department!
Rio Bonita playing b-ball at Lamberton Middle School- does that ring a bell for anyone? :)
The Gibbs girls in the scowl on Elizabeth. It was fun to hang out with no kids!
Me & Melissa

Girls Ski day 2/08

Some of the other girls in the ward & I went up to Arapahoe Basin for some skiing/snowboarding. Proving that just cause you're a mom, doesn't mean that life ends! :) by the way, I'm the nerd in the middle.

I'm in trouble

Tammy & I ran the Highlands Ranch St. Patricks Day 5K where we finished together & were really proud of our times & being "yummy mummys" :) We found Natalie & Nancy there too!

Cute Gracie bored to tears
Crazy kids

I guess I am in trouble because someone says they are sick of seeing the pumpkin patch pics! :) Well, I will try to be better on keeping up with this stuff! I didn't think anyone was really checking!!